村小的孩子 DramasQ線上看

【主演】範魏煜 / 張良友 / 蔣雲潔
【類型】陸劇 / 紀錄片
立即播放最新 第01集
村小的孩子DramasQ線上看為你提供《村小的孩子》:本片爲獨立紀錄片導演蔣能傑留守兒童三部曲的第二部,另外兩部分別爲《路》和《加一》,蔣能傑致力於用影像關注社會,用鏡頭呼籲更多人關注留守兒童,重視鄉村教育。 (有意觀看高清版的,可聯繫本人微信:1714371600 (QQ) 本片榮獲第三屆 鳳凰視頻紀錄片大獎 最佳紀錄長片獎、法蘭克福影展 一等獎。 2009年:首次走進村小,鏡頭記錄臨時學校的22個學生(其中17個爲 留守兒童),同時關注村小艱難申請重建。 2010年:重建後的村小調來張老師教兩個班,代課十幾年的張老師老 爲轉正問題煩心和奔波,跟拍的留守兒童的學習、心理、生活也面臨 著種種問題。 2011年:代課的 張老師因種種不滿,已離開村小,跟拍的孩子們面臨 的問題愈加嚴重。 2012年:由於媒體的力量,村小的物質條件有所改變,但好像無力改 善更多。 2013年:留守兒童生活看是沒什麼變化,其實在悄悄變化著。 2014年:又是一年春節,而跟拍的留守兒童家庭 …… 。 2009: First glance at the village school, in which the lives of 22 students including 17 left-behind children, together with the unsmooth application of the school’s reconstruction, were focused on. 2010: Teacher Zhang, a supply teacher with more than 10 years teaching experience, was assigned to the reconstructed school. While in charge of two classes, he was concerned about, and striving for the obtainment of permanent teaching status. Meanwhile, folks began to doubt on the quality of the school buildings, as the left-behind children were facing numerous problems in life, study and emotion. 2011: Mr. Zhang left the school out of dissatisfaction. After he left, the problems those left-behind children were confronting with became more serious. 2012: Thanks to the media, the material condition of the village school began to turn around. However, it still had a long way to go. 2013: The situation of those left-behind children seems unchanged, but it turned out to get changed day by day. 2014:As another Spring Festival comes, what is going on in those left-behind families?