美麗西江 DramasQ線上看

【又名】Xijiang River
【導演】施燕峰 / 劉竺
【類型】陸劇 / 紀錄片
立即播放最新 第10集
美麗西江DramasQ線上看為你提供《美麗西江》:在中國,有一條河流以秀美著稱,那就是西江。它一直鮮爲人知,充滿神祕。 西江,珠江水系中最長的河流,中國第三大河流,長度僅次於長江和黃河。數百萬年來,在自然力量的作用下,西江之水塑造了天坑、天窗和岩溶等世界級喀斯特奇觀,西江流域更是全球生物多樣性的熱點地區,這裡擁有豐富的動植物資源。這片土地上,物產豐饒,人文豐厚,人們用智慧、勇氣和汗水,追尋夢想,創造美好生活,呵護美麗家園。 《美麗西江》將從自然、物產、生態、民族、生活等多維立體視角、通過兩廣人民熱愛自然、守望家園、共創美好生活的動人故事,紀錄和展現西江的自然之美、物產之美和人文之美,講述桂粵人民的共同故事,折射兩省區人民共飲西江水的動人兄弟情懷。 西江,作爲珠江水系中最大、最長的一條河流,歷經千百年的沖積,最終造就了美麗富饒的珠江西岸。生活在這裡的人們與水緊密相連。他們依水而居,得天獨厚地享受著來自於大自然的饋贈。《美麗西江》以紀錄片形式,呈現西江流域的歷史、人文、美食特徵,追尋西江沿岸留下的動人故事,反映這片水域孕育下的人類社會發展的狀況。 全系列共12集,每集24分鐘。除了在廣東衛視、廣西衛視全國播出外,也會在中央電視台CCTV9紀錄頻道、CCTV1綜合頻道《魅力紀錄》等全國性平台黃金時段播出。 In China, there is a river famous for its beauty. It is the Xijiang River. It has always been little-known and full of mystery. The Xijiang River, as the longest river of the Pearl River system and the third largest river in China, is second only to the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in length. Over millions of years, under the effect of natural forces, the water of the Xijiang River has created world-class karst wonders like heavenly pits and skylights. The Xijiang River basin is even a hot spot of global biodiversity and is rich in animal and plant resources. This piece of land is rich in natural resources and human culture. The people here pursue dreams, create good lives and cherish their beautiful homes with wisdom, courage and sweat. 「Xijiang River,」 with an unprecedented scale, will be premiered at 8:00 p.m. during prime time on Documentary Channel of China Central Television on New Year’s Day 2016 and simulcast on Guangdong TV, Guangxi TV and the terrestrial channels of Guangdong and Guangxi as well as the Tencent Video website. ...