軍情五處 第一季 (Spooks Season 1) DramasQ線上看

【又名】反恐谍报战(台) 第一季 / 神出鬼没 第一季 / 谍影生涯 第一季 / MI-5 Season 1
【導演】貝瑞特·奈魯利 / 羅伯·拜利 / 安迪·威爾遜
【主演】馬修·麥克費登 / 凱莉·霍威 / 大衛·奧伊羅 / 休·勞瑞 / 彼得·弗斯
【類型】美劇 / 劇情 / 驚悚
立即播放最新 第06集
軍情五處 第一季(Spooks Season 1)DramasQ線上看為你提供《軍情五處 第一季》:又名Spooks Season 1。This British espionage thriller centers on a team of MI-5 counter-terrorist spies collectively known as 'Spooks' because of the shadowy nature of their existence. Technically speaking, Spooks don't even exist--they have no names, identities, or known locations. Yet these secret agents are all that stand between the nation and the terrorists who try to undermine national security. Matthew Macfayden heads the cast as Tom Quinn, a man struggling to deal with his double life.