罪案第六感 第三季 (Perception Season 3) DramasQ線上看

【主演】艾瑞克·麥柯馬克 / 瑞切爾·蕾·庫克 / 阿爾傑·史密斯
【類型】美劇 / 懸疑 / 犯罪
立即播放最新 第15集
罪案第六感 第三季(Perception Season 3)DramasQ線上看為你提供《罪案第六感 第三季》:又名Perception Season 3。Daniel is in Paris enjoying his time with Miranda. But things change when a man who says he's federal agent attached to the embassy, approaches him and asks him to help them. It seems like www.qujuji.com they need him to get something that a Chinese scientist wants to give them on a secret Chinese project, But after doing it Daniel finds himself pursued by Chinese agents who tell to give back what he had or else. And when he returns to Miranda's apartment he finds it ransacked. Daniel gets a call from the man he met asking him to meet but he finds the Chinese man dead so he is arrested. Kate heads off to Paris to help him. Haley and Lewicki conspire to get Daniel to return. by:www.mke6.com