美爪屋 第三季 (Claws Season 3) DramasQ線上看
【編劇】Eliot Laurence
【主演】南希·納什 / 卡麗·普雷斯頓 / 朱迪·雷耶斯 / 卡魯切·特蘭 / Jenn Lyon
【類型】美劇 / 喜劇
立即播放最新 第10集

DramasQ線上看為你提供《美爪屋 第三季》:又名Claws Season 3。在第3季,「女士們很快就會知道賭場世界的利害關係不會更高,Desna將在與一對險惡的夫婦,Mac(客串明星Michael Horse)和Melba(客串明星Rebecca Creskoff)開展業務時進行賭博。
主演有Niecy Nash,Carrie Preston,Judy Reyes,Karrueche Tran,Jenn Lyon,Jack Kesy,Kevin Rankin,Jason Antoon,Evan Daigle,Suleka Mathew,Harold Perrineau和Dean Norris。 (Niecy Nash 和 Carrie Preston 也各自導演了第三季的一集。)
In season 3, 「the ladies will quickly learn that the stakes couldn’t be higher in the casino world, and Desna will take a gamble as she enters into business with a sinister couple, Mac (guest star Michael Horse) and Melba (guest star Rebecca Creskoff).」
The series stars Niecy Nash, Carrie Preston, Judy Reyes, Karrueche Tran, Jenn Lyon, Jack Kesy, Kevin Rankin, Jason Antoon, Evan Daigle, Suleka Mathew, Harold Perrineau, and Dean Norris. (Nash and Preston also each directed an episode of the third season.)