屏住呼吸:挑戰冰潛紀錄 (Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive) DramasQ線上看

【地域】英國 / 芬蘭
【導演】Ian Derry
【主演】Elina Manninen / Johanna Nordblad
【類型】美劇 / 紀錄片 / 短片 / 運動
立即播放最新 正片
屏住呼吸:挑戰冰潛紀錄(Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive)DramasQ線上看為你提供《屏住呼吸:挑戰冰潛紀錄》:又名Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive。Follow free diver Johanna Nordblad in this documentary as she attempts to break the world record for distance traveled under ice with one breath.