第01集 職介破事兒 第一季

(2013 英國)
職介破事兒 第一季(The Job Lot Season 1) 【年份】2013
【主演】拉塞爾·托維 / 薩拉·哈德蘭 / 塔姆拉 卡瑞 / 馬丁·馬爾克斯 / 托尼·毛德斯雷
【劇情】DramasQ線上看為你提供電視劇《職介破事兒 第一季》免費線上看:The Job Lot is set in a busy West Midlands Job Centre and focuses on the relationships between the people that work there and the people that don't work there, or anywhere else for that matter... It's work, or the lack of it, that brings the characters together, and their relationships, or lack of them, around which the series revolves. The Job Lot tells the story of neurotic Trish (Sarah Hadland) who runs the Brownall Job Centre aided by her staff, including reluctant and truculent Karl ... 更多劇情介紹