第01集 馬普爾小姐探案 第六季

(2013 英國)
馬普爾小姐探案 第六季(Agatha Christie's Marple Season 6) 【年份】2013
【主演】朱莉亞·麥肯齊 / 湯姆·休斯
【劇情】DramasQ線上看為你提供電視劇《馬普爾小姐探案 第六季》免費線上看:When old family friend Louisa Oxley visits Miss Marple one stormy night seeking help, Miss Marple decides to send her and her son, Archie, to safety at the labyrinthine estate of Greenshaw's Folly, owned by Miss Marple's good friend Katherine Greenshaw, an eccentric botanist and the last surviving Greenshaw. Louisa becomes Miss Greenshaw's secretary, and quickly attracts the attention of the gardener Alfred Pollock and actor Nat Fletcher. Things turn sinister when the Folly's faithful butler, ... 更多劇情介紹