第05集 迪克·特平完全虛構的冒險

(2024 英國)
迪克·特平完全虛構的冒險(The Completely Made-up Adventures of Dick Turpin) 【年份】2024
【主演】諾爾·費丁 / 休·博納維爾 / 艾麗·懷特 / 馬克·伍頓 / 德維恩·博阿奇
【劇情】DramasQ線上看為你提供電視劇《迪克·特平完全虛構的冒險》免費線上看:Noel Fielding stars as Dick Turpin, who always believed he was destined for something bigger than a life chopping meat in his dad's butcher's shop. And he was right. When he inadvertently becomes leader of the Essex Gang, a notorious bunch of outlaws, he realises he's found his calling. Sure, he might be a peace-loving vegan who believes in panache over pistols, but what he lacks in hard-core highway skills he makes up for in imagination, invention and incredibly pointy purple shoes. ... 更多劇情介紹