第4集 海豹突擊隊 第七季

(2024 美國)
海豹突擊隊 第七季(SEAL Team Season 7) 【年份】2024
【主演】大衛·伯倫納茲 / 小尼爾·布朗 / A·J·巴克利 / 托尼·特拉克斯 / 拉菲·巴索米安
【劇情】DramasQ線上看為你提供電視劇《海豹突擊隊 第七季》免費線上看:In the final season, Jason Hayes struggles to balance his warrior’s existence with the responsibilities of single fatherhood. Ray Perry, his trusted second in command, questions whether he will be able to leave the battlefield behind as his retirement nears. Dedicated door-kicker Sonny Quinn battles against changing tides as Jason and Ray’s shifting focus means that other teammates must shoulder more responsibility. Both Omar Hamza and Drew Franklin find diving into work an effective way to distance themselves from their past traumas. ... 更多劇情介紹